
  • Pancreas is an exo-endocrine gland, means,it has both exocrine and endocrine part
  • Pancreas has a thick capsule, septa from this capsule divides the gland into lobules.

Exocrine part of pancreas 

  • Exocrine part of pancreas consist of serous acini, which shows biphasic staining ( reason: is given in 'types of acini' in Salivary gland )
  • Some of the acini exhibits pale staining cuboidal 'centroacinar cells' within the lumen. They represent 'intra-acinar' part of intercalated duct.

Endocrine part of pancreas 

  • Consist of lightly stained 'Islets of Langerhans'
  • Islets of Langerhans consist of polyhedral cells which are of three types: 

                (i) Alpha (α)

                (ii) Beta (β)

                (iii) Delta (δ) 

Courtesy :slide share 

H&E slide low magnification 

Cells of lslets of langerhans ⬇️

How to draw