☢️Consist of folia with outer cortex and inner medulla
☢️Cerebellar cortex consists of 3 layers
         ⛔Molecular layer- consist of  stellate  and Basket cells
         ⛔Purkinje cell layer - Purkinje cells
         ⛔Granule cell layer- granularcells and golgi cells

☢️Cerebellar medulla-white matter fibers

Histology Atlas diagram⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

H&E low magnification slide⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


➡️ cerebrum consist of 6 layers
⛔Molecular layer-
consists of mainly nerve fibres and occasionally horizontal cells of cajal
⛔Outer granular layer
consists of stellate and small pyramidal cells
⛔Pyramidal layer
consists of medium sized pyramidal cells,
stellate cells and cells of martinotti
⛔Inner granular layer
consist of stellate cells
⛔Ganglionic layer
consists of large pyramidal cells and few stellate cells
⛔Polymorphous layer
consists of nerve fibres, stellate cells and the cells of martinotti

Spinal cord
➡️ consist of Central"H "shaped grey matter with the large anterior horns and narrow posterior horns
➡️ posess a central canal

How to draw