Histology of compact bone

Bone (img credit:Source digital bitmap graphics:  BDB )  ➡️The strctural unit of a compact bone is osteon or haversian system ➡️Osteons are m…

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Histology of smooth muscle

Muscle Tissue + Muscular tissue is responsible for movement of various parts of the body.  + Comprises of elongated cells called fibres. + Are of 3 types…

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Histology of duodenum

INTESTINE :          Small intestine is divided into three:                    1.duodenum                     2.jejunum …

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Embryological slides

Placenta Maternal part -decidua basalis Fetal part -chorion frondosum which give rise to Chorion villi                      Umbilical cord ➡…

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Histology of fallopian tube

Fallopian tube ⛔Mucosa ➡️consist of lining epithelium and lamina propria  ➡️mucosa is highly folded and lined by ciliated columnar epithelium ⛔ …

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Histology of tongue

Tongue   (img credit :OpenStax)  ⛔in tongue we can observe 4 types of papillae ➡️Filiform ➡️Fungiform ➡️Circumvallate ➡️Foliate  Filiform …

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Histology of mammary gland

Mammary gland   ☢️Inactive mammary gland ➡️ more connective tissue, less glandular tissue ➡️underdeveloped alveoli with small lumen ➡️ exten…

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histology of nerves and ganglia

Nerve fibres and ganglia (img credit: OpenStax College)  ☢️Peripheral nerve ➡️ each nerve fibres are surrounded by endoneurium ➡️ nerve fibre…

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Histology of retina and cornea

Cornea ☢️Consist of ⛔ Corneal epithelium stratified squamous non keratinized epithelium ⛔ Bowmans membrane it is the basement membrane of co…

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Histology of skin

BASIC THEORY ➡️ skin is made up of three layers : ⚠️Epidermis ⚠️Dermis  ⚠️Subcutaneous layer(hypodermis) ➡️ epidermis has following layers(from deep to s…

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Histology of vascular tissue

Vascular tissue ( img credit wikimedia commons author - BruceBlaus)  Basic theory ➡️All blood vessels has following layers ☢️Tunica initima c…

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