Lymph node

➡️ lymph node possess a fibrous tissue capsule

➡️ it consists of an outer cortex and inner medulla

➡️ cortex contains lymphoid follicles with germinal centres

➡️ paracortex is the junction between cortex and medulla, it contains T- lymphocytes

➡️Medulla contains medullary cords and sinosoids


➡️ possess a fibrous capsule

➡️ it is shows red and white pulp

⛔White pulp

consist of lymphoid aggregations with eccentric Central artery

⛔Red pulp

contains RBC, macrophages, Lymphocytes and monocytes


➡️ tonsillar crypts are present

➡️ lined by stratified squamous non keratinized epithelium 

➡️lymphoid follicles with the germinal centres are seen along the crypts


➡️ Septa incompletely divides the lobes into  irregular lobules

➡️Each lobule possess outer cortex and inner medulla 

➡️ outer cortex is darkly stained and consisting of lymphocytes

➡️Inner medulla is lightly stained and possess hassal's corpuscles 

How to draw ⬇️⬇️⬇️