Skeletal Muscle 
(eg:Muscles of limb & trunk)

[Each muscle fibre(cell) is long and   cylindrical without branching.
They are multinucleated with peripheral nuclei.
Has Dark and Light transverse striations.]

>Covering of skeletal muscles
   *epimyseum - covers entire muscle
   *perimyseum - covers muscle bundle
   *endomyseum - covers each fibre
   *sacrolemma - cell membrane


The light and dark band(striations)are due to the presence of "A" and "I" bands in myofibrils.Myofibrils are longitudinally running fibrils in the sacroplasm of skeletal muscle fibres(cells).

: A- band is known as light band,whereas
   I- band is known as dark band.The I band is bisected by a dark line called Z-line ,& the segment between two Z lines is called a 'sarcomere',it is the contracting unit of the muscle.
How to draw