
 (Img credit :Wiki Athikhun.suw) 

➡️Pituitary gland has 3 lobes

          1)anterior lobe(pars anterior) 

           2)intermediate lobe(pars intermedia)

           3)posterior lobe (pars nervosa) 

⛔Anterior lobe

Consist of three types of cells

  1)acidophils-consist of Somatotropes and Lactotropes

2)basophils-consist of gonadotropes, Thyrotropes&corticotrops

3)chromophoes-No hormonal function 

⛔Posterior lobe

Consist of large number of nerve fibers

⛔Intermediate lobe

Contains large number of pale cells which usually surround follicles, filled with colloids 

Pituitary gland H&E low magnification

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