• Liver is completely invested (covered) by a fibrous capsule called glisson's- capsule that lies deep to the peritoneal covering of liver.
• This glisson's capsule is thickened at porta hepatis and sends trabeculae into the interior of liver and divides the liver parenchyma into incomplete lobules. 

These trabeculae which carry branches of
hepatic artery, portal vein, hepatic duct and lymphatics is known as portal tract or portal canal.

Liver lobules are the structural unit of liver.
They are hexagonal in shape.
• A liver lobule consist of following structures
(i) It has a central vein

(ii) hepatocytes which are arranged in one cell thick plates

(iii) sinusoids - Irregular spaces b/w hepatic plates are occupied by liver sinusoids. Which are lined by discontinuous fenestrated endothelial cells (refer diagram liver). 
Some of endothelial cells that lines sinusoids are modified to become phagocytic kuffer cells.Sinusoids are filles with mixed arterial and venous blood from hepatic artery and portal vein.

• Sinusoids are seperate from underlying
plates of hepatocytes by perisinusoidal space of Disse

Note : portal vein, hepatic artery, hepatic duct
together known as portal triads.
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